I have decided to start writing. This is something I’ve always wanted to do but never really took seriously — probably because I told myself that I didn’t have time.
Indeed, I was right, because I always felt that if I were to write consistently, all articles should be informative, only about certain topics and maybe make it into RSS readers and twitter timelines.
When I launched my redesign last year, I placed a nicely designed section named “Blog”. I took the time to design the article typography and layout, blog pagination and tagging system. But I only wrote the three articles you see behind this one — in one year.
But I think I’ve had it wrong all this time.
There are millions of articles floating around the web that will never be shared, but they represent opinions, feelings, discoveries and I’m sure that each writer felt better after they shared their words.
In essence, I don’t want to wait for weeks until I find a great subject, and write a perfectly documented and well written article about the latest trend/tool/method. this time I want to keep it simple and just share what I find valuable. It might help you or not, that is up to you.
You may call this a diary, now that’s upto you but I would like to call it stumbleupons maybe?